The major US CBP (Customs and Border Protection) concern is the possibility of terrorists using a global supply chain to turn cargo container shipment and facilities into weapons of mass destruction, which was launched shortly after Sept. 11 terrorist attack by US homeland security department.
In March 2008, U.S. Customs and Border Protection and European Commission adopt the joint roadmap towards mutual recognition trade partnership programs.
Frequent terrorism attack to citizens worldwide, make peoples nervous. Security program is more and more important to governments all worldwide.
This program shall benefit importers and exporters:
• Allows importers to demonstrate compliance with C-TPAT rules
• Fast lane cargo processing into US, shorten custom declaration time.
• Risk mitigation against unexpected security risk & delays
• Brand Protection – A secure supply chain
• Competitive advantage
– Shortening “time to market”
Minimise supply delays & Increase stock turns