STS has amassed a unique knowledge team to help factories develop the awareness, capacity to act, business case and mindset to improve continuously. All services are intended to help drive performance, each according the desired degree of impact and intensity.
• Self-assessment
A good self-assessment is a good start for an audit, through self -assessment, from which suppliers can identify the gap between actual situations and SER expectations.
• CAP Management
Supporting hundreds of factories globally, STS can help your factory leverage the corrective action planning process for good. We help improve factory understanding of how to respond to an audit and develop a plan to address the underlying root causes.
• Worker Engagement
One of the significant changes that must take place is a shift in the way factory managers view their workers. Most factories see their workers as commodities, easily replaceable and limited in value. If managers seek to improve productivity, workers should be seen as assets. This is very new to factory management, and considerable support is needed for the transition. STS can support factory management in their efforts to build this new dynamic with readily available solutions for all of your worker engagement needs.
• Factory Improvement Support
Is an in-depth, in-factory engagement, one factory at a time, built around monthly consultations to make the changes necessary to improve and address specific root causes. For those factories with high worker turnover, lower worker productivity and wage gaps, STS can develop a program to explore worker satisfaction, improve management dialogue, and establish the case for investing in improving working conditions.